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  • Sculptures by Susana Arias, sculpture title image

    Home   |   Bio    |   Sculpture   |   Paintings   |   Public Art   |   Sculpture Archives   |  News

    Bronze Sculpture     Musical Instruments   |   Cacti     Earthworks   |   Nests   |   Birds & Nests   Sailmaker Series


    Susana Arias' new sculptures are made of hand-built clay / ceramics, with metal supports and granite / stone slabs.  Her series seen below, large standing works, represent a natural environment of birds and trees, evolving from her earlier series of birds and nests.  


      Sculpture  Sailmaker Series, 2012 - 2013          Sculpture  2012         Sculpture Show  2010







    Sculpture from 2012 


    Bird on Tree








    Sculpture Show from December 2010




    Bronze Sculpture     Musical Instruments   |   Cacti     Earthworks   |   Nests   |   Birds & Nests

    Phone  831.566-6607       2523 A Mission St.  Santa Cruz, CA 95060

    ?2013 All work on this copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced without the express permission from Susana Arias.  For any questions about artwork, commissions, please email Susana Arias.

    This website was created by an Artist for an Artist.  Your comments are most welcome.  Please email the webmaven.